MINUTES Annual(Adjourned) Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Tuesday, April 20, 1999, 7:00 p.m. (EDST); Mary Harris Room, Library






PRESIDING: Elizabeth B. Martin, President, Board of Trustees; QUORUM ESTABLISHED.

PRESENT: Life Trustees: Rosanna Bogats(Assistant Treasurer/ Corresponding Secretary),

Douglas Dombrowski, Mary Hof, Dorothy Kelly,

Jean Leipold(Vice President), Elizabeth B. Martin(President),

John F. Nolte(Treasurer), Glenn A. Walsh(Secretary)

[Currently One Life Trustee Vacancy].

Ex-Officio Trustees: Emmett Freshwater.

Advisory Board: Al Falcioni(Chairman and Library Parliamentarian), Allen Turske

[Currently Two Advisory Board Vacancies].

Staff: Mary D. Malysko(Library Director).

Media: None. Guest: None.

ABSENT[*Secretary notified of inability to attend.]: Life Trustees: Helen Shick.

Ex-Officio Trustees:, Lawrence Harkovich, Robert Heinrich,

Robert A. Horak, James Nelson, James Pascoe, David Pierce.

SPECIAL NOTE: Due to the lack of a quorum, the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees was officially adjourned until April 20 by the Board members present at the March 16 meeting.


Report of Officers --

President, Elizabeth B. Martin: Not enough volunteers available for Youth Day of Caring, for the Library to acquire volunteer help; volunteer help may be available later.**Students from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School may plant flowers for Earth Day.**ACLA Advocacy Workshop is scheduled for May 15 at the Airport Mariott.**Pittsburgh Savoyards have offered tickets for 200 seats for Library to sell or give away.**President's 1998 Annual Report distributed(attached).

Treasurer, John F. Nolte: Monthly report attached(February & March, 1999).


Reports of Committees(*Standing Committee as established by the By-Laws of April 9, 1900) --

Advisory Board, Al Falcioni, Chairman: Advisory Board has had no meetings, so far this year, due to several members being out-of-town for extended periods of time; meeting will be held soon.**Have sent-out reminders regarding Grand Club($1000) membership in Chartiers Valley Partnership. Turske: Currently 22 Grand Club members and 21 other members.

Committee on Buildings and Grounds*, Douglas Dombrowski, Chairman: Windows in Bookstore need chain(for opening and closing).**Martin: Original Library tables, used in Paramount Pictures' filming of Wonderboys(starring Michael Douglas), will be returned to Library tomorrow; additional $450(above original agreement to pay $1000 for one month of use) paid to Library for additional weeks of use of tables.**Kelly: Described incident where someone removed tape on floor of Lecture Hall, placed for rehearsal use by Pittsburgh Savoyards; Library has no objections to such temporary use of tape on floor.**Walsh described little-known historic artifact of Library: ten dark green blinds originally acquired for use during Blackout Drills in World War II; Walsh offered to have blinds cleaned and repaired for use in Library. President referred offer to Library Committee.





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Committee on Finance*, John Nolte, Chairman: Keystone Plan HMO will save Library money and provide additional benefits for Library Director.**Proof of Bonding of Treasurer: Current insurance covers theft by any individual associated with the Library.**Treasurer recommended use of Paychex($620 per year) for administering Library payrolls. Cited savings from new insurance and copier contracts as justification for this new expenditure. Walsh strenuously objected to new payroll expenditure, when most of this work is now being done, for no charge, by long-time Library volunteer(and previous Library Treasurer) Ron Parker.

Motion: Begin use of payroll service for Library staff payrolls.

Moved: Nolte; Second: Dombrowski.

Vote - Aye: 8, Nay: 1, Abstentions: 0, Declined to Vote: 0, Absent from Vote: 7.

Committee on Fund Raising: Dombrowski: Golf Tournament scheduled for June 14, 1 p.m., at Chartiers Country Club; last year had 92 golfers and 125 dinners.

Committee on Libary*, Jean Leipold, Chairman; Mary D. Malysko, Library Director: Walsh briefly described proposed new State Standards for libraries.

Monthly reports attached: Library Director's Report(March & April, 1999); Children's Programming Report(April, 1999).

Committee on Music and Entertainment*(Rentals Committee): Dorothy Kelly, Chairman: Will coordinate "Meet Your Candidates Night" with David Pierce of Carnegie Democratic Party and representative of Carnegie Republican Party; possibly week of May 7(Wednesday, May 5, 7 p.m.?).

Committee on Personnel, Mary Hof, Chairman:

Motion: To Approve New Job Descriptions for Library Staff, as recommended by Personnel Committee(new job descriptions attached).

Moved: Hof; Second: Nolte.

Vote - Aye: 9, Nay: 0, Abstentions: 0, Declined to Vote: 0, Absent from Vote: 7.

Committee on Public Relations: Walsh announced that Mammograms would be given to women, age 40 and over, at the Library on July 1, courtesy of Allegheny General Hospital.**Walsh announced that the Signal-Item and the South Hills Almanac had given the Library publicity regarding the Centennial of Andrew Carnegie's Declaration of Trust agreement, which legally established the Library 100 years ago, today.**Walsh passed-around a copy of the April issue of Cobblestone, a national history magazine for children, which includes a paragraph regarding the founding of the Andrew Carnegie Free Library(article authored by Walsh); Walsh served as Consulting Editor for this issue of Cobblestone, the theme of which being the life and philanthropies of Andrew Carnegie.**Walsh announced that, due to the Library's Trust Centennial, the history section of Library's Internet web site had been greatly enlarged, including an "Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Libraries Photograph Album." The Photo Album includes many pictures of the Andrew Carnegie Free Library building and park, along with pictures of a few other Carnegie Libraries and other pictures related to the life of Andrew Carnegie.


Annual election of Officers of the Board - Report from the Committee on Nominations: Jean Leipold, Chairman; Ted Ford; Emmett Freshwater. Committee recommendations for Officers:

President - Elizabeth B. Martin; Vice President - Jean Leipold; Secretary - Mary M. Hof; Corresponding Secretary - Rosanna Bogats; Treasurer - John Nolte; Assistant Treasurer - Rosanna Bogats.

Walsh announced that he was not seeking election to any Board office, at this time, as long as the Board continues to pursue changes in Andrew Carnegie's Declaration of Trust agreement, which would take rights away from Life Trustees and eliminate six Ex-Officio Trustee positions on the Board.

The Library Parliamentarian, Al Falcioni, counted the votes. Prior to the election, Falcioni reminded Board members than the vote of a majority of all Board members(i.e. nine votes) was necessary to elect to a full one-year term; no objections to the Library Parliamentarian's interpretation of the Library By-Laws were voiced following his announcement.


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Election Results:

President - Elizabeth B. Martin: 6; Glenn A. Walsh: 1; Abstention: 1; "yes": 1.

Vice President - Jean Leipold: 7; Glenn A. Walsh: 1; "yes": 1.

Secretary - Mary M. Hof: 7; Glenn A. Walsh: 1; "yes": 1.

Corresponding Secretary - Rosanna Bogats: 7; Mary M. Hof: 1; "yes": 1.

Treasurer - John Nolte: 7; Abstention: 1; "yes": 1.

Assistant Treasurer - Rosanna Bogats: 5; John Nolte: 1; "yes": 1; no vote: 2.

Falcioni announced that no candidate received the required nine votes for a new one-year term; Library By-Laws allow current office holders to remain in office until the nine vote requirement is fulfilled. Walsh suggested that the Annual Meeting be recessed and reconvened during next month's Regular, Monthly Meeting, for a second ballot. Hof and Martin objected to the determination of the Library Parliamentarian. Hof stated that the By-Laws refer to the vote of a majority of the Board members in attendance at the Annual Meeting. Walsh stated that the word "all" in the By-Laws means that the vote must be a majority of all members of the Board of Trustees; otherwise, there would have been no reason to include the word "all" in the particular phrase in question. Falcioni noted that this has been the ruling of the Library Parliamentarian for many years, without dispute by Board members; he also noted that no Board member disputed this interpretation, after he announced it before the actual election. It was decided that the Library Parliamentarian would seek the opinion of another parliamentarian and report his findings at the May Board meeting.


Annual Schedule of Meetings - The President proposed that the meetings of the Library Board of Trustees, for 1999-2000(through the Annual Meeting in March, 2000), be held on the last Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.(Prevailing Time), at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library. This proposal is made to choose a date, which would least likely conflict with other meetings held in the community, which other Board members may need to attend. Fewer meetings are held the last week of the month(particularly if the last Tuesday of the month is also the fifth Tuesday of the month).

Motion: To approve President's Annual Schedule of Meetings proposal, as outlined on information sheet included with Annual Meeting notice(New Annual Schedule of Meetings attached).

Moved: Martin; Second: Walsh.

Vote - Aye: 8, Nay: 0, Abstentions: 1, Declined to Vote: 0, Absent from Vote: 7.


Executive Session -- Committee on Personnel, Mary Hof, Chairman: Staff member contract and increase in staff member compensation considered; contract and proposal approved.


May 17, 1999 Respectfully submitted,

gaw Glenn A. Walsh

Attachments 8 Secretary, Board of Trustees